→ The User Experience Team of One by Leah Buley - Chapter 1 / p.10-15
The Fascinating History of UX Design: A Definitive Timeline
BY EMILY STEVENS, 2021, CarreerFoundry.com
Feng Shui
- usability can be traced back to 6,000 years ago
- refers to the spatial arrangement of objects (e.g. furniture) in relation to the flow of energy (chi)
- all about arranging your surroundings in the most optimal, harmonious or “user-friendly way”
- in Ancient Greece → Hippocrates texts on form of tools and layout of workplace
- WW I / II → how to make airplane cockpits and guns easier to use
Taylorism (early 1900s)
- in industrialized factories → make human labor more efficient
- Frederick Taylor conducted extensive research into the interactions between workers and their tools, wrote “Principles of Scientific Management”
- criticised for the reduction of people to cogs in a machine (Zahnrad)
Designing for People